Eye Examinations
NHS and private examinations are available with us the minimum sight examination time is 30 minutes. This allows our Optometrist to provide a thorough sight check while also having the time to build a rapport and to speak to you about any concerns or questions you may have.
What’s included?
30 minute minimum appointment including:
- Visual history to find your individual requirements
- Slit lamp examination of the front of the eye
- Volk lens examination of the back of the eye for a 3D expanded view of the retina
- Intra-ocular pressure check with a gentle accurate instrument that does not include the ‘puff of air’
- Visual field test if found necessary for peripheral vision assessment
- Retinal photograph or OCT scan (see the services page for more info)
- Binocular vision
- Spectacle prescription
- Any other tests necessary for a full assessment of your visual needs
Front of the eye check with a slit lamp bio-microscope. This enables us to see more structures and details in the eye therefore finding more possible eye conditions.
Intra-ocular pressures are taken with a device that is gentle and accurate (on par with hospital pressure testing) and does not include the puff of air. This is performed on all adults not only those over 40 years. A ‘back of the eye’ check by Volk lens with the slit lamp is less intrusive than the old method of using a handheld torch. The Volk lens also gives a binocular view for a 3D image and also a wider view so our optician can see more of the retina. Extra checks can be advised by the optician or even requested by you, such as an OCT scan or dilated eye examination (see our services page).
Contact the practice to make an appointment, simply to ask for any advice on what appointment you may need or any other questions you may have.